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What's the common groud between a woodworker and a famous Chef? Manuel knows it better

What's the common groud between a woodworker and a famous Chef? Manuel knows it better

With a huge following on social media, the young and talented MP_Knifeblade has managed to seize Instagram by the reigns by establishing a host of collaborations with the most famous TV chefs around, such as Federico Fusca (chef of the "Semper Mezzogiorno" program with Antonella Clerici), Roberto Valbuzzi, Daniele Rossi, Andrea Mainardi and many others. And their common ground, you ask? Their passion for the culinary arts as well as the proper tools for precision tasks that support their craft!

Tools like CMT Orange Tools. 


Can you tell us about your Instagram channel?

My Instagram channel was born in October 2019. I had never used personal social networks and it was absolutely the first time for me, but I wanted to explore and compare my products – knives and mainly cutting boards, which have always been a hobby of mine. Honestly, I did not expect to find as many people who had the exact same passion as myself! To my amazement, almost instantly I had a huge surge of followers interested in my work and within a few weeks I found many people to talk to and exchange ideas. What was once a small community grew into a huge following and a great source of satisfaction! Since then, my life has changed from night to day, my commitments have multiplied exponentially, and my passion has become a real job. 


How did your passion for woodworking come about and how did you get started?

My passion for wood was profoundly influenced by my father. Born in 1957, he started working wood at the age of 13 and has not stopped yet! I learned a lot from him, and I continue to do so every day. I share a great interest and curiosity for carpentry skills. The particular demands of the cutlery sector have allowed me to craft high-quality handles and blades, as well as professional cutting boards, which often are bought along with my blades.


What are the CMT tools you use the most?

I love CMT tools and I especially use the circular blades and router cutters to style my cutting boards. The bench allows you to cut very precise strips of wood ready to glue, thanks to the high quality of the teeth. This saves loads of time and hassle! The specialized router bits provide a special polish with rounded corners, handles and grooves. I absolutely love the 3-fluted router bits as they reduce the amount of leveling work on finished cutting boards.


Do you have any advice to give to woodworking enthusiasts?

My advice to those just starting out is to invest in the right equipment right from the get go. Saving and scrimping on basic yet essential equipment is only counterproductive, especially for those who are inexperienced. It just makes things more difficult. For example, working with economical router cutters leads to a series of problems that many people think are the result of inexperience. Instead, its the fault of poor quality  equipment! A high quality router bit with optimal sharpening potential is an excellent guarantee as well as a great investment. 
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